Our latest art prints are an homage to some of our favourite racing liveries and the emotions, memories and excitement produced at the sight of them.

These aren’t just a few coloured lines, curves and boxes thrown together either. After deciding on the liveries, we wanted to link them in with a legendary moment in motorsport, the drivers and the cars. Then there was the issue of the colours! Colour matching wasn’t an option with so many different images and videos each showing a host of colour variants – even the surviving cars aren’t a match!

So, each piece of artwork went through numerous redesigns and colour adaptations before we could arrive at (and agree on!) the finals, the colours and lines that we thought embodied the spirit of these legendary liveries.

When you work so hard on a project there’s always a moment of doubt before you see the finished prints, but as soon as we ran these off we knew we’d created something we were properly happy with. It’s a bold and risky claim I know (and of course we’re bias!) but we think these look better in the flesh than we could ever do them justice in any imagery.

So if these liveries mean as much to you as they do to us then get yourself a little slice of motorsport Tinspiration, you won’t be disappointed.

The prints are available now from our Etsy Store
