GALLERY // Wheels Day 2016

OK, so it's fair to say we LOVE this show!

Every year it seems to get better and better with more and more inspiration at every turn. The guys at Surrey Street Rodders can't be praised enough for the level of organisation and attention to detail that goes into this show.

This year we had a few cards made up and stuck them under the wipers of our favourite rides – if you got one, get in touch! If you didn't it doesn't mean we weren't loving your ride, we'd either put the lens caps on and were having a wander at the time or we just forgot! So, if you see your ride and want to tell us more then let us know.

We love taking shots of cool tin, but we always try not to let shooting get in the way of enjoying the cars, the sounds and soaking up the atmosphere at shows. It's fine for some, but it's a dark day for us when we turn up, point, shoot and head straight home. This year was no different, but somehow we've come away with about four times as many shots – so many we've had to split them over two galleries!

So grab your favourite brew, sit back and get lost in one of the UK's most diverse car parks!

Tony & Jay