GEAR // Spotlight on Grado Labs

Never heard of Grado Labs?

Maybe that's because, for a high-end audio manufacturer, they don't make a lot of noise. You see Grado don't advertise. They prefer to use word-of-mouth to build their brand and it seems it's worked rather well.

Joseph Grado started producing phono cartridges in 1953 on that classic tool of many entrepreneurs, the kitchen table, and by 1955 had opened a factory in Brooklyn on the site of his father's grocery business. To this day, that site remains the home of Grado Laboratories.

In the late '80s development started on Grado's first Signature Series headphones resulting in levels of clarity and harmonic accuracy never before seen in headphone design. If you still need to convince yourself why it is you NEED a pair of these 'phones, check out their recent video above.
